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Friday, April 27, 2012

Renovation Lessons Learnt

I managed to talk to a few homeowners whose renovation project ended over a year ago. With them, I analysed and noted that these are some of the lessons which they have learnt.

Lesson #1: When To Save or to Splurge
Categorize things into "must-haves" and "can-do-withouts" to help you prioritize what you really to spend on and where you could afford to save a little. This will help you to stay within budget. For instance, installing a shower head is a must-have but getting an expensive fancy rain shower head is a can-do-without.

Lesson #2: Function over Form
Practicality over aesthetics; it's best to design something that is practical and useful over the long run. For example, having little or no cabinet seems a good idea to obtain that highly sought after minimalist look but many fail to realise that this look is usually unsustainable over the long run.

Lesson #3: Allow room for expansion!
Too many homeowners design their home based on "current" needs and lacked the foresight to allow their design accommodate for future needs. A good example will be designing a glass feature-wall that can only accommodate up till 42" flat screen Tv, any bigger will mean reconstructing that feature-wall again.

Lesson #4: Go Green!
Buying Eco-friendly household products DO save you a lot of money in the long run! Initial costs may be higher but it's worth the money considering the lower bills. :)

Lesson #5: Safety begins at Home!
Many interior designers forget to incorporate basic safety needs into their design. For instance, they usually propose glass cooking hobs (instead of stainless steel or aluminum ones) just because they look better. Most homeoweners are not aware that glass hobs are not recommended for extended and extensive cooking and might shatter due to the heat. Another common mistake is to recommend coooking hobs that are too big for the kitchen counter top. As a result, the cooking hob is situated too near the countertop edge and poses risks to both adult and small children.

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